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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Eight Tips to Help You Get Rid of Candida

The process of cleaning your body from the oppressive mushroom that affect the quality of your life is not short, nor contain any magical solution. However, if you will maintain a balance diet of five small meals a day and will not be alarmed of mood changes, you can help yourself get well.

The fungus side effects are not sustainable, but how can you keep a menu that includes a rigorous treatment of no carbohydrate and no sweets? Those who prefer to go on the natural treatment without conventional drugs to stop the effects of the fungus on the body often encountered concerns and difficulties.

Candida, or in its medical name “Candida albicans”, is one kind of 20 types of yeast fungus that are dangerous to man. It lives naturally in our colon, mucous membranes and skin and usually does not cause damage. It begins to interfere when the immune system is compromised, allowing it to spread and cause unpleasant symptoms, including itching, abdominal pain, genital pain in women and more. Here are 8 tips to help you maintain the naturopathy anti-fungal therapy.

1. Maintain a balanced diet

In the first stages of therapy you should not reach a state of starvation, then it is easier to deviate from the menu. Maintain a diet of five small protein meals a day.
2. Remember, the side effects are temporary

In the therapy first stages the body evacuates the Candida and other waste materials, this leads to physical and emotional reactions such as diarrhea, flatulence, headaches, rashes, crying, and a tendency to anger. Hang on, those side effects will disappear after a few days.

3. Persisted with physical activity

To assist the body in the cleaning process, it is important to keep proper breathing and to exercise on the beach, or in green areas.
4. Eat high-quality food

Candida treatment success depends on strict adherence to treatment guidelines and in particular the type, quality and content of food consumed. To do so, you must avoid spending the first few weeks in restaurants and cafes, for two reasons: the difficulty to resist, and the danger that the food will be infected by parasites and will hamper the success of treatment.
Outdoor fitness will help treat mood problems.
5. Focused on the positive implications

Candida treatment does wonders for healthy hair and fingernails. You should avoid pasting fingernails during the treatment period in order to allow a healthy fingernail growth and keep track of the process.
6. Do not fear from provisions

It is important to follow the physical occurrences such as texture and color of various body secretions including sputum, vaginal discharge, runny nose, ear discharge, feces, etc., and report at meetings. This information is very significant for the therapist.
7. Wait for an improvement in mental state

Candida significant impact your mental condition. Among other things it can cause fatigue, depression and disproportionate emotional reactions. The early stages of the treatment may cause fluctuations in mood, increased tendency to cry and flooding
of past feelings. This is a difficult process, but very positive and is an integral part of the physical cleaning.

Do not put yourself in pressure following the strict dietary guidelines. Proper treatment will balance the sugar levels in your body, reduce the craving for sweets, and control the feelings of hunger and need for food. You will also feel much better mentally.
8. You can have sex

The opinions of the Infection options are divided even among physicians and among therapists. Recommended during the first treatment to have protected sex and avoid unprotected oral sex if there is an intense vaginal candidiasis.

Source :

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

4 Nursing Intervention for Ascariasis

Ascariasis is a disease caused by the parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides. Infections have no symptoms in more than 85% of cases, especially if the number of worms is small. Symptoms increase with the number of worms present and may include shortness of breath and fever in the beginning of the disease. These may be followed by symptoms of abdominal swelling, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Children are most commonly affected, and in this age group the infection may also cause poor weight gain, malnutrition, and learning problems.

4 Nursing Intervention for Ascariasis
1. Fluid volume deficit r / t loss secondary to diarrhea. (Carpenito, 2000: 104).

Goal: Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance,
the expected outcomes; not finding signs of dehydration and the clients are able to show signs of rehydration and maintenance of adequate hydration.

Nursing Interventions:
Monitor intake and output of fluids.
Observed signs of dehydration (hyperthermia, down skin turgor, dry mucous membranes).
Give oral rehydration solution piecemeal assist adequate hydration.
Observe for signs of dehydration.
Observation intravenous fluid administration.

2. Impaired sense of comfort: pain r / t smooth muscle spasm secondary to migration of parasites in the stomach.

Goal: Pain will be lost or diminished
with expected outcomes: The client does not show pain.

Nursing Interventions:
Assess the extent and characteristics of pain.
Give a warm compress on the abdomen.
Teach method of distraction for acute pain.
Set a comfortable position that can reduce pain.
Collaboration for analgesia.

3. Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements r / t anorexia and vomiting (Carpenito, 2000: 260).

Goal: Nutrition fulfilled
with expected outcomes: The client showed increased appetite, weight according to age.

Nursing Interventions:
Give adequate food diet, nutritional nutritious.
Measure body weight every day.
Explain the importance of adequate nutrition.
Maintain good oral hygiene.

4. Hyperthermia r / t decrease in circulation secondary to dehydration (Carpenito, 2000; 21)

Goal: Maintaining normothermia indicated by the absence of signs and symptoms of hyperthermia, such as tachycardia, skin redness, temperature and blood pressure normal.

Nursing Interventions:
Teach the client and family the importance of adequate feedback.
Monitor fluid intake and output
Monitor the temperature and vital signs
Make a compress.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Environmental Management: Comfort to Reduce Pain

Donahuwe (1989) sums up "through a sense of comfort and actions for comfort, nurses provide strength, hope, consolation, support, encouragement and assistance." A variety of nursing theory states comfort as the basic needs of the client which is the purpose of nursing care. The concept of the convenience of having the same subjectivity of pain. Each individual has a characteristic physiological, social, spiritual, psychological and cultural influences how they interpret pain. Kolcaba (1992) defines comfort in a consistent manner on the subjective experience kilien. Polcaba defines comfort as a state has met the basic needs of human beings. These needs include the need for reassurance (a satisfaction which improves the daily appearance), relief (needs have been met) and transcendent (state about something beyond the problem or pain).

Definition: The act of environmental manipulation to optimize patient comfort

Environmental Management: Comfort to Reduce Pain
  • Providing the same room with the desired environment, if possible and appropriate.
  • Limiting visitors.
  • Avoid disturbing unneeded and provide time off
  • Determining the source of discomfort, such as clothes were damp, the position of the pipe, tight clothes, bed linen wrinkle, and environmental irritants
  • Preparing the room clean and the beds were comfortable
  • Setting the room temperature comfortable for the patient, if possible
  • Move or provide blankets to increase the comfort, if indicated
  • Avoid unnecessary exposure, a lot of wind, too hot, and cold
  • Set the lighting according to activity and the needs of patients, avoid lights directly into the eye
  • Control and prevent the atmosphere is too crowded, if possible
  • Facilitates personal hygiene for ensuring patient (such as wiping the forehead, using skin cream or body wash, hair and oral hygiene)
  • Positioning the patient to obtain comfort (using the principles of body alignment / line of the body, supported by pillows, protect joints during movement, and pain immobilisasikan body parts)
  • Monitor the skin, especially areas of the body having suppressed, as a sign of suppression or irritation
  • Avoid skin and mucous membrane of irritants (such as diarrhea stool and wound drainage)

Efficacy of Bananas that Never Suspected

Banana is one fruit that is preferred by all levels of society of all ages. This is because, the fruit is easy to get all over the place, and with a relatively affordable price. The fruit is highly suitable as a dessert after a meal. So from that, many of us who serve this fruit in the daily menu. Consuming a banana was a lot of benefits for health. There are various benefits of bananas that you never thought before.

As a variety of other fruits, bananas also has properties or benefits when consumed. Many of us who believe that this fruit has various benefits hidden in it.

Efficacy of Bananas that Never Suspected

  • Lose weight naturally. For those of you who have problems with weight, then regularly consume this fruit can help you lose weight you have. This is because, this fruit contains a relatively small amount of calories.
  • Balance the amount of fluid in the body. The body needs sufficient amount of fluid to support the performance of all organs in the body. Therefore, the content of potassium in bananas is very important to help balance the amount of fluid in the body.
  • If you are susceptible to diseases like flu, cough and others. Start eating a banana. The content of vitamin C in this fruit helps boost the immune system you have.
  • If you want healthy bones. Eating bananas regularly may help nourish your bones. This is because, this fruit is one of the fruits that contain manganese which is quite high.
  • Improving the energy needed by the body in an instant. When activity increases daily, eat a banana. It is intended that the body does not quickly exhausted and tired in the density of activity or your work.
  • Improving the digestive system in your body. Regularly consume this fruit can help your digestive system performance even better. So that a variety of nutrients from the food you eat can be absorbed and used by the body optimally anyway.
  • As a natural constipation drug. Bananas can also help you facilitate defecation. So from that, eat bananas to avoid hardening of the stool as an early symptom of constipation.

Health Benefits of Strawberries for Your Body

Strawberries have a delicious flavor and delicious to eat every day. Most small children certainly very fond of this fruit. Nutritional requirements obtained through fruits, especially strawberries are very supportive in improving health of everyone.

Strawberries are not so hard to find even though it is relatively expensive. When the strawberry season, you can easily pluck and consume this fruit in the garden directly. Strawberries have shared the nutrients needed by the body such as protein, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, folate, vitain A and others. Therefore, strawberries course is highly recommended for meal as your daily diet.

Health Benefits of Strawberries for Your Body

  • Help improve your heart health. This is because, these fruits contain flavonoids named
  •  that play a role in reducing the risk of heart attacks that may threaten your life.
  • Preventing a stroke that could threaten everyone. The content of antioxidants such as quercetin, kaempferol and anthocyanins in strawberries helpful to prevent blood clots that can cause a stroke.
  • Prevention of cancer hazard. Strawberries contain high antioxidant. Antioxidants help fight free radicals that enter into the body that can cause various types of cancer.
  • Prevention of hypertension are quite effective. For those of you who have symptoms of high blood pressure or hypertension, then strawberries unfit for consumption. This is because, strawberries contain high potassium and helpful neutralize sodium content in the body.
  • Constipation natural medicine. Strawberries mengadung enough fiber needed by your body. These fibers also serve to launch a big waste and prevent constipation you do not want.
  • Food for diabetics and effective in preventing diabetes. Low glycemic index levels and the antioxidant capacity of strawberries functions to control blood sugar levels remain in a stable condition.
  • Relieve allergies that attack the body. This is because, the content of various nutrients and antioxidants in strawberries have a variety of functions to relieve allergy symptoms are often experienced as itching and watery eyes often.

Source : medicalnewstoday

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Disturbances of Fluid and Electrolyte balance related to Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a disease characterized by a change in stool become too soft or liquid. Stimulus to continue to defecate will continue to happen, as long as the stool still have water or fluid overload. Patients with diarrhea will be cured if the stool has changed as usual. There is no excess liquid and so forth.

Here are things that are often the cause of diarrhea:


Infection is a factor that is often the cause of someone with diarrhea. Many types of infection that can cause a person to suffer from diarrhea. Here are the different kinds of infections that cause diarrhea:
  • Internal infection - Infection is common in the human digestive tract. If the gastrointestinal infection that can cause diarrhea
  • Infections caused by bacteria - Bacteria also cause a person exposed to the bacteria. The bacteria can cause a person to become infected. Bacteria that can cause diarrhea are; vibrio coma, e coli, salmonella, yersinia, shigella and also acromonas.
  • Virus - Virus that exists around us can also cause diarrhea. Viruses that can infect the body. A variety of viruses that cause diarrhea are adeno virus, rotavirus, astro virus and also entero virus.
  • Parasites - Parasites such as fungi, worms and protozoa can cause infections and the infection can cause diarrhea.
  • Parental - parental infection that can cause diarrhea is an infection outside the digestive organs for example tonsilo pharyngitis and acute otitis media infection.

There are a lot of things can cause diarrhea, which is caused by diseases that are not infectious. For example, are the following:
  • Allergies - Allergies can also cause diarrhea. Allergies are the most dominant cause of diarrhea is food allergies. For example, an allergy to the protein and milk allergy.
  • Disturbance - Disturbance in the body that can cause a person with diarrhea is a metabolic disorder and malabsorption disorders.
  • Medications - Medications such as antibiotics can also cause diarrhea.
  • Intestinal diseases - Intestinal diseases can also affect a person with diarrhea. For example ; a bowel disease such as colitis ulserative, enterocolitis and also Crohn's disease.
  • Psychological - Psychological can also cause diarrhea. For example, is the excessive fear and anxiety can cause a person affected by a sudden diarrhea.
  • Nutritional deficiencies - Nutritional deficiencies can also cause diarrhea. For example, is a fiber-rich food shortages and malnutrition.
Common symptoms of diarrhea as follows:
  • Abdominal pain - most diarrhea symptoms are abdominal pain that is felt heartburn and wrapped around.
  • Nausea and vomiting - Diarrhea is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • Defecate continuously - Stimulus to continue to defecate will always be there for soft and liquid feces. Patients with diarrhea will continue to want to defecate.
  • No appetite - Patients with diarrhea no desire to appetite.
  • Fever - Symptoms of diarrhea is accompanied by high fever.
  • Discharge of blood with feces. Under conditions of acute diarrhea, blood can be mixed in the discharge of feces.
  • Other symptoms - other symptoms such as back aches and stomach worms often emits a sound that is in the stomach.
  • The body feels limp - Because a lot of fluid out of the body, the body becomes dehydrated. If dehydration body going limp and lethargic due to lack of fluids.
Disturbances of Fluid and Electrolyte balance related to Diarrhea

Objective: The client can maintain adequate fluid volume with the balance of input and output as well as free of signs of dehydration.

Action taken :

- Observation of vital signs, tachycardia and fever. Skin turgor and moisture mucous membranes.
Rationale: It is an indicator of dehydration / hypovolemia, and to determine the next intervention.

- Monitor the input and output of fluid, record / measuring fluid loss through diarrhea and oral.
Rationale: To identify the degree of dehydration and guidelines for fluid replacement.

- Meet the needs of individuals with determining fluid dosing schedule.
Rationale: Giving fluids regularly can help maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes.

- Measure weight regularly / schedule.
Rationale: Weight loss showed the presence of excessive fluid loss.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Several Symptoms are Used to Indicate Problems with The Gastrointestinal Tract

Several Symptoms Are Used to Indicate Problems with The Gastrointestinal Tract

1. Vomiting, which may include regurgitation of food or the vomiting of blood.

Vomiting : also known as emesis and throwing up, among other terms, is the involuntary, forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth and sometimes the nose.

Regurgitation : is the expulsion of material from the pharynx, or esophagus, usually characterized by the presence of undigested food or blood.

Hematemesis or haematemesis is the vomiting of blood. The source is generally the upper gastrointestinal tract, typically above the suspensory muscle of duodenum.

2. Diarrhea, or the passage of liquid or more frequent stools.

Diarrhea is the condition of having at least three loose or liquid bowel movements each day. It often lasts for a few days and can result in dehydration due to fluid loss.

3. Constipation, which refers to the passage of fewer and hardened stools.

Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. Constipation is a common cause of painful defecation. Severe constipation includes obstipation (failure to pass stools or gas) and fecal impaction, which can progress to bowel obstruction and become life-threatening.

4. Blood in stool, which includes fresh red blood, maroon-coloured blood, and tarry-coloured blood.

Fresh red blood / Haematochezia is the passage of fresh blood through the anus, usually in or with stools (contrast with melena). Haematochezia is commonly associated with lower gastrointestinal bleeding, but may also occur from a brisk upper gastrointestinal bleed.
