Sunday, October 6, 2013

Factors Influencing Health Status of The Elderly

There are several factors that affect the mental health of the elderly. These factors shall be addressed wisely so that the elderly can enjoy their life happily. As for some of the factors facing the elderly are greatly affecting their mental health is as follows:

1. Decrease in Physical Condition

After someone entered the elderly, generally ranging seized their physical condition, which is pathological regression (multiple pathology), for example, reduced power, decreased energy, more wrinkled skin, the more teeth fall out, the more brittle bones, etc..

In general, the physical condition of a person who has entered a period of elderly decline exponentially. This all may cause interference or physical dysfunction, psychological and social, which in turn can lead to a state of dependence on others. In the lives of the elderly in order to maintain a healthy physical condition, it is necessary to align with the physical needs psychological and social conditions, so inevitably there must be efforts to reduce the activities of a physical memforsir. An elderly should be able to set a good way of life, such as eating, sleeping, rest and work in balance.

2. Decrease Function and Sexual Potency

Decrease function and sexual potency in the elderly is often associated with a variety of physical disorders such as:

  1. Heart problems.
  2. Metabolic disorders, eg, diabetes mellitus.
  3. Vaginitis.
  4. Recently completed operations: for example prostatectomy.
  5. Malnutrition, due to imperfect digestion or appetite is very less.
  6. The use of certain medications, such as antihypertensives, steroid group, tranquilier.
  7. Psychological factors that accompany the elderly, among others:
    • Sense of taboo or embarrassment when maintaining sexual life of the elderly.
    • Attitudes families and communities that lack support and strengthened by tradition and culture.
    • Fatigue or boredom due to lack of variation in his life.
    • Spouse has died.
    • Sexual dysfunction due to hormonal changes or other mental health problems anxiety, depression, dementia, etc..

3. Changes in Psychosocial Aspects

In general, after entering the elderly then it decreased cognitive and psychomotor function. Cognitive function includes the process of learning, perception, comprehension, understanding, attention and others that cause reactions and behaviors of the elderly become increasingly slow. While psychomotor function (conative) covers matters relating to such will boost the movement, action, coordination, resulting in that the elderly become less nimble.
With the decrease in both functions, the elderly also experience changes in psychosocial aspects related to the state of kepabrikan elderly. Some of these changes can be differentiated based on 5 elderly personality types as follows:
  1. Construction personality , usually this type is not a lot experienced turmoil , calm and steady until very old .
  2. Independent personaliy , there is a tendency in this type of experience post power syndrome , especially if in the future be filled with the elderly are not activities that can provide autonomy on him .
  3. Dependent personality , in this type usually greatly affected family life , family life always harmonious if the elderly are not volatile at times , but if the spouse dies, the spouse left behind will be miserable , especially if you do not get up from his position .
  4. Hostility personality , in this type after entering the elderly are still not satisfied with his life , a lot of desire that is sometimes not in the carefully calculated , causing economic conditions to be messy .
  5. Self Hate Personality , the elderly of this type generally looks miserable , because the behavior itself is difficult aided by others or themselves tend to be difficult .

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