Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Non- Pharmacological Therapies for Constipation

Constipation is a condition in which a person's bowel movement difficulty with normal daily pattern. At each state of constipation, causes of constipation should be correctly identified in order to determine the therapeutic approach. Causes of constipation can be as diverse as a low fiber diet or due to the consumption of drugs hypothyroidism.

Constipation is generally regarded as the usual health problems, experienced by many people, and generally they do the treatment themselves. Problems many people experience constipation problems are usually associated with a low fiber diet. Constipation is also often wrongly understood by the general public. Society generally considers that a bowel movement every day is important for health. And assume that the bowel is not routine every day will contribute to the accumulation of toxins and lead to somatic complaints varied. This misunderstanding resulted in the use of laxatives are less rational society.

To assess the condition of constipation, required an assessment of the following variables:

  1. Frequency of bowel movements. Someone would otherwise be constipated if bowel frequency magnitude less than 3 times a week in women and 5 times per week in men.
  2. The size and consistency of stools. A person with constipation requires 25% more time than usual for the number of defecation and fecal or fewer.
  3. Symptoms as the sensation of defecation incomplete.
The following are some factors or conditions can cause constipation:
  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, gastrointestinal disease above the anal and rectal disease, hemorrhoids, tumors, hernia, intestinal volvulus, syphilis, tuberculosis, worm infections, limphogranuloma, hirscprung's Disease
  2. Metabolic and endocrine disorders; diabetes mellitus with neuropathy, hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma, hypercalcemia, enteric glucagon excess.
  3. Pregnancy; Emphasis intestinal motility, increased fluid absorption from the large intestine, decreased physical activity, dietary changes, lack of fluid intake, low fiber diet, the use of iron salts.
  4. Neurogenic; central nervous system disease, brain trauma, spinal injuries kordata, central nervous system tumors, cerebrovascular accident, Parkinson's disease
  5. Psychogenic; Psychogenic to ignore / postpone the urge to defecate, psychiatric disease.
  6. Use of certain drugs

Signs and Symptoms
  1. Signs and symptoms that need to be considered in knowing whether a person is constipated or not:
  2. Keep in mind the condition whether the patient complained of a lack of volume conditions stool during bowel movements, stomach feeling full, pain during bowel movements.
  3. Signs and symptoms such as hard stools, small or dry. Abdominal discomfort, pain, cramps, nausea and vomiting, headache, and fatigue.

Non- Pharmacological Therapies for Constipation

High Fiber Diet
Nonpharmacologic therapy is first-line therapy in the treatment of constipation by making dietary modifications to increase the amount of fiber consumed. Fibers that are part of the vegetable that is not digested in the intestines will increase stool bulk, liquid stool retention, and increase stool transit in the gut. With fiber therapy is the increased frequency of bowel movements and decrease pressure on the colon and rectum.

Patients are advised to consume at least 10 grams per day of crude fiber. Fruit, vegetables and cereals are examples of food rich in fiber. Raw bran contains about 40% fiber. In addition there are also medicinal product which is the mass of fiber-forming agents such as hydrophilic colloids psylium, methylcellulose or polikarbofil which can produce effects similar to those of high-fiber foods are available in the preparation of tablets, powders or capsules.

In some constipated patients required surgery. This is because the presence of colonic malignancy or gastrointestinal tract obstruction that required bowel resection. Besides surgery is also necessary in cases of constipation caused by pheokromositoma.

Most of the patients of constipation due to pelvic floor dysfunction benefit from the electromyogram biofeedback therapy.

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