Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Scope of Nursing Research

The scope of nursing research problem is divided into six (6) scope of the research problem, namely:

A. Basic Nursing and Nursing Management

  1. Development of concepts and theories of nursing
    Focuses on the study of theory that has been there to convince the public, that the science of nursing is different with other health professions, as well as the spesific knowledge in the nursing field, consisting of:
    1. Adaptation theory. (Calista Roy)
    2. Self-care deficits. (Orem)
    3. Environmental health. (Florence Nightingale)
    4. The concept of nursing practice models. (Betty Neuman)
  2. Issue of basic human needs
    Study of the causes and efforts to meet basic needs, include:
    1. Oxygenation problems
    2. Nutritional problems
    3. Fluid and electrolyte problems
    4. Elimination problem
  3. Nursing Education
    1. Curriculum development and implementation
    2. Students and faculty
    3. Learning methods
    4. Evaluation system
  4. Nursing Management
    1. The role and performance of nurses
    2. Nursing management system
    3. The role and performance of nursing committee
  5. The role and function of professional organizations
    1. Organizational roles within nursing practice system (Registration, license, legalization).
    2. Role of standard-setting organizations within nursing practice.
    3. Organization's role in the development of the higher education system of nursing.
B. Pediatric Nursing
Scope of pediatric nursing research, based on a philosophy of nursing children (Biopsychosocial) children due to hospitalization and nursing roles in children and families, including:
  1. Impact of hospitalization.
  2. Developmental problems of children.
  3. Child immunization issues.
  4. Nursing care problems of children with disorders body system.

C. Maternity Nursing
The scope of this study focused on women of childbearing age couples, prenatal, natal and post natal and reproductive disorders, include:
  1. Problems of pregnant women
  2. Maternal intrapartum problems (I - IV) and nursing care of low birth weight babies, assessment - evaluation)
  3. Postpartum maternal problems (vulvar hygiene, breast care, postnatal exercises, how to breastfeed)
  4. Maternal problems with reproductive disorders (early detection of reproductive disorders, anxiety Ca cervix)

D. Medical-surgical Nursing and Emergency
In the scope of medical-surgical nursing, research focusing on askep clients with impaired adult body systems approach to the nursing process.
  1. Scope of Medical Surgical Nursing Science
    • Immune system
      1. Effect of regular exercise to increase endurance.
      2. The effect of vitamin A on the production of leukocytes.
      3. Relationship anxiety with immune function.
    • Respiration and oxygenation system
      1. Differences in the effectiveness of the use of masks and hoses oxygenation (catheter)
      2. The most effective nursing interventions for the treatment of clients with hoarding thick secretions in the airways.
    • Cardiovascular system
      1. Effect of physical exercise on health improvement coronary heart patients.
      2. O2 delivery methods are most effective to improve / maintain PaCO2.
      3. Terapy influence relaxation to decrease pain angina pectoris clients.
    • Neural system
      1. Effectiveness of the method in dealing with acute pain distraction postoperative patients.
      2. Effectiveness with warm water immersion in overcoming the pain of dislocation.
      3. The most effective method for detecting early impairment of consciousness.
    • Urinary system
      1. Educational relationship with dietary adherence clients with kidney stones.
      2. Influence the frequency of sexual intercourse on the incidence of BPH.
      3. BPH influence on the formation of urinary tract stones.
    • Gastrointestinal tract
      1. Dietary adherence relationship to the incidence of peptic ulcers in clients with gastritis.
      2. The most effective method in reducing pain in NGT installation.
      3. Effect of frequency / number of smoking on the incidence of gastritis.
    • Endocrine system
      1. Client compliance with diabetes mellitus, the diet
      2. The most effective method in dealing with hypoglycemia
      3. Client adherence diabetes mellitus, the blood sugar control
  2. Scope of Emergency Nursing
    • Respiratory gravity
      1. Early detection of severe breathing method on the client
      2. The role of nurses in addressing severe breathing
      3. Technical development chest physio therapy
    • Cardiovascular gravity
      1. The role of the nurse within the gravity handlers cardio-vaskuer (use of DC sock)
    • Psychiatric emergency
      1. Effective methods of binding (restrain) client rampage 
      2. The role of the nurse within the handling of client rage, depression and suicide attempts.
E. Psychiatric Nursing Science
  1. Scope of application of the nursing process
    • Influence on the development of therapeutic modalities klein depression.
    • Development of therapeutic communication techniques
    • Development of therapeutic modalities
  2. Therapeutic group activities
    • Effective methods of activity therapy for depression client
  3. Therapeutic environment / environmental manipulation
    • Effectiveness of preventive home visits to clients relapse of mental disorder
    • Recurrence relation with the client receiving the surrounding environment.
F. Nursing Community, Family and Gerontic
  1. Scope of Community
    • Ommunity participation in efforts to improve public health.
    • Maternal perception of the implementation of ante-natal
    • TB patient compliance in the implementation of therapy (DOTS)
  2. Scope of family
    • Terapiutik communication effectiveness in a family approach
    • Family roles to the treatment of pulmonary Tb
    • Perceptions of family heads towards family planning program
  3. Scope Gerontic
    • Method approach is effective in elderly
    • The role of nurses within nutritional needs of the elderly
    • Effect of occupational therapy on stress reduction elderly.

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