Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Theories of Aging Process (Biology, Sociology and Psychology)

Theories of Aging Process : Biology

1. Theory "Genetic Clock"

This theory states that occur as a result of the aging process at the genetic program inside nuclei. This clock will spin in a certain period of time and if the clock has run out of rotation then, would impede the process of mitosis. This is demonstrated by the results of the study Haiflick, (1980) cited Darmojo and Martono (1999) on the theory that stated the relationship between the ability of cells to divide in culture with somatic mutation of species age (error catastrophe theory) Another important thing to consider in analyzing factors actor is the cause of the aging process of the environmental factors that cause the occurrence of somatic mutations. It is now known that radiation and chemicals can shorten the life. According to this theory that progressive mutations in somatic cell DNA, will cause a decline in the ability of these cells functionally.

2. Theory "Error"

One hypothesis is that associated with somatic cell mutations are hypothesized "Error castastrophe" (Darmojo and Martono, 1999). According to the theory of aging caused by accumulated an assortment of errors throughout the human life. As a result of these errors will result in errors of metabolism that can cause cell damage and cell function slowly.

3. The theory of "autoimmune"

Aging process may occur due to changes in post-translational protein which can result in reduced ability of the body's immune system to recognize - self recognition. If the somatic mutation causes abnormalities in the cell surface, then this will result in the body's immune system considers cells undergoing changes as foreign cells and destroy Goldstein (1989) quoted by Aziz (1994). This is evidenced by the rising prevalence of auto-antibodies in the elderly (Brocklehurst, 1987 quoted from Darmojo and Martono, 1999). On the other hand the body's own immune system defenses decreased in the aging process, the antigen being attacked to decrease, resulting in pathological cells increases with age menigkatnya (Suhana, 1994 dikutif of Nuryati, 1994)

4. Theory "Free Radical"

Aging can occur due to the interaction of the components of free radicals in the human body. Free radicals can be: superoxide (O2), Hydroxyl radicals (OH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Free radicals are very damaging because it is highly reactive, so it can react with DNA, proteins, and unsaturated fatty acids. According Oen (1993) dikutif of Darmojo and Martono (1999) states that the older the age of the more free radicals are formed, so that poses destruction continues, the more damage cell organelles cells eventually die.

5. Wear & Tear Theory

Excess effort and stress cause the damaged body cells.

6. Collagen Theory 

Increase the amount of collagen in the tissue causing tissue damage and slowing the speed of repair tissue cells.

Theories of Aging Process : Sociology

1. Activity theory
Aging will cause a decrease in the number of activities directly.

2. Continuity theory
Continued existence of a personality that led to the existence of a pattern of behavior that increase stress.

3. Disengagement Theory
Lose touch with the outside world such as community relations, relationships with other individuals.

4. Age stratification theory
Because the people who fall in old age will accelerate the aging process.

Theories of Aging Process : Psychology

1. Maslow's theory of human needs
People who can reach 5% actualization according to research and not everyone can achieve that requirement perfectly.

2. Jung's theory
There are levels of living which has the task in the development of life.

3. Course of Human Life Theory
A person in relation to the environment is no maximum level.

4. Development Task Theory
Each stage of life has age-appropriate developmental tasks.

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